My Prayer Site

Helping you remember what you wanted to pray for.



About Us....

This site is a free service provided simply as a means of "giving back to the Lord" in thanks for all He has given to me.


The intent of the site is simply to help you organize yourself so that you remember to pray about the things that you intended to pray about.
  • Maybe you want to pray for your spouse's health every day.
  • Maybe once a month you want to remember to pray for an old college friend.
  • Maybe every week you'd like to remember to pray for a missionary your church supports.


It is not at all intended to be a "to-do list for God." This list isn't for Him - it's for you. Simply to help you remember.


Every day, early in the morning, the site will email you with a reminder of the things you wanted to pray about. Your daily prayers will be included every day. Prayers you have designated for "every Monday" will only be included on Mondays. Prayers you have designated for "on the 12th of the month" will only be included on the 12th of the month.


We will NOT spam you or share your information with anyone. You may unsubscribe easily at any time.


This is a free service with:
  • no spam
  • full privacy
  • one daily email to you with your prayer list for that day


Site Version: 1.2021.1215.1 (GCRPROD)








About Us